Please help ㅠㅠ 1. Choose the correct item.
1) If something is anaerobic, it means that it can breed / survive without oxygen.
2) A hiccup sound is caused when air meets our voice/vocal box.
3) Never drive when you're tired - you need to stay / become alert when you're on the road.
4) This treatment will help to repair / convert some of those damaged cells.
5) Beth has a(n) virus / allergy to nuts and so she has to be careful what she eats.
6) In our class, we learnt about the impact / motivation science has had on our lives.
7) Our bodies breathe / release adrenalin when we are scared, excited or embarrassed.
8) Exercise stretches / increases our heart rate and makes us breathe more quickly.​​

Please help ㅠㅠ 1. Choose the correct item. 1) If something is anaerobic, it means that it can breed

Бота20081 Бота20081    2   14.05.2021 19:09    0

oliaborisova123 oliaborisova123  13.06.2021 19:09

1) If something is anaerobic, it means that it can survive without oxygen.  

2) A hiccup sound is caused when air meets our voice box.  

3) Never drive when you're tired - you need to become alert when you're on the road.  

4) This treatment will help to repair some of those damaged cells.  

5) Beth has a(n) allergy to nuts and so she has to be careful what she eats.  

6) In our class, we learnt about the impact science has had on our lives.  

7) Our bodies release adrenalin when we are scared, excited or embarrassed.  

8) Exercise increases our heart rate and makes us breathe more quickly.​​

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