Please! 5. report the statements. 1. i often go climbing. he said 2. ' i'm good at snowboarding.' she said 3. "boris, we are taking the train to semey. they told 4. ' i live in petropavl." you said 5. '' i'm going home, dana. " he

ЛизаПру ЛизаПру    2   02.10.2019 05:10    47

notasmart notasmart  09.10.2020 11:03

1. He said (that) he often went climbing.

2. She said (that) she was good at snowboarding.

3. They told Boris (that) they were taking the train to Semey.

4. You said (that) you lived in Petropavl.

5. He told Dana (that) he was going home.

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