Плачу немало за это : my favourite cartoon about "tom and jerry". tom and jerry are fictional characters. my favourite scene in the cartoon when tom is running after jerry and falling into the hole. then tom is disappearing from the movie. it turns that a dog has eaten of tom.the end! мне нужно найти ошибки- решается оценка.

SAVAAVAAS SAVAAVAAS    3   07.06.2019 06:10    1

mandryginaanya1nyaa mandryginaanya1nyaa  07.07.2020 01:56
Если я не ошибаюсь, то
my favourite cartoon IS about...
my favourite scene IS when Tom...
может, вы имели в виду it turns out - оказывается
съел Тома - has eaten Tom
polilaibe polilaibe  07.07.2020 01:56
My favourite cartoon is "Tom and Jerry". Tom and Jerry are fictional characters.
My favourite scene is when Tom is running after Jerry and then falling into the hole. Then Tom dessapears from the movie. And then it turns out that the dog has eaten Tom. The End!
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