ПЛАЧУ I. Match the words to form phrases. ( Объедините слова, чтобы получились словосочетания). Все предложения и словосочетания должны быть написаны полностью.

1. department pool

2. swimming appliances

3. rubbish store

4. kitchen bin

5. entrance tickets

II. Write the correct comparative. (Напишите правильную степень сравнения).

Eg. My car is …. than yours.(fast) My car is faster than yours.

1. Maths is …. than History. ( difficult )

2. Rita is the …. girl in the class. ( pretty)

3. John is …than his sister. ( tall )

4. Tom is the …. boy today. ( happy )

5. I think Moscow is the …. city in the world. (good )

III. Choose the correct word. (Выберите правильное слово).

1. You can / can’t go out now. It’s too late.

2. He has to / mustn’t do homework every day.

3. Doctors have to / can’t wear a uniform at work.

4. Can / must I go outside, please?

5. You must / mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’ s not allowed.

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