Письмо другу , о своем изобритении сделанами своими руками 100-120 слов , 15

fedotovanatolij fedotovanatolij    1   16.09.2019 20:20    1

katiapopovici katiapopovici  07.10.2020 20:27
Hello, Dear Tom.How are you doing?I am fine.I am sorry i have not written you. My summer has been fine. .I  was very interested in shipbuilding and opened my new invention.All summer i studied various types of ships.More of all i liked the model of the ship "San Felipe".All work was made of wood.The invention consisted of many small details.They neded to be properly assembled and fixed.But i made my own changes to this model.It turned outvery beautefull and original. I put up a job in internet and it was appreciated.For me it was a new invention in my life. Your very sincere friend (впиши тут своё имя.)Good luck.
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