Phrasal Verb SEE exercise 1. I need someone to take care of my cat; will you see it that someone does?

To for from

2. When I left the party, the hostess saw me

Out to from

3. She was surprised when everybody came to say goodbye and see her properly at the airport

On to off

4. After she had the accident she should have had the doctor see her injuries

From to into

5. I saw the New Year with some friends from university

Through on in

6. She saw him when he pretended to be a policeman

Into through in

7. Anyone could have seen his disguise; it was so obvious that it was him

Through round in

8. We used to spend lots of time together, but I haven't seen much her for ages

Of for through

9. I've got an appointment nat five to see a dealer buying a new car

About to for

10. The dog saw the burglar ; he ran back over the garden wall screaming​

dyusembekov1 dyusembekov1    3   09.03.2021 13:50    2

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