Peter is an 1.child and heenjoys it. He likes 2.alone. He 3.a lot and plays the guitar. He is interested 4. sports and history, too. When he wants to be with people , he 5.out with his friends and 6. a lot of fun together. Because he has no brother or sisters , his parents have 7. time and more money just for 8..
Peter`s girlfriend Marry has three brothers and two sisters. She There is never 10.boring moment in their house. 11. the evenings they all have dinner together and 12. about
Sometimes they 14. their grandparents in another town. Last Christmas they 15. a concert for their family and friends.
In the future Marry would like 16. a lot of children. Peter thinks one is enough. Of cause they still have
17. time to decide, but they are planning to 18.merried soon.

Flaen1 Flaen1    2   22.04.2020 09:26    4

Элла03 Элла03  13.10.2020 15:53

Peter is an 1.___only___child and he enjoys it. He likes .__beingalone. He 3.___reads___a lot and plays the guitar. He is interested 4.___in sports and history, too. When he wants to be with people , he 5. ___goes__ out with his friends and 6.___they have ___ a lot of fun together. Because he has no brother or sisters , his parents have 7.___more__ time and more money just for 8.___Peter___. Peter`s girlfriend Marry has three brothers and two sisters. She 9.__likes___it. There is never 10.___any__boring moment in their house. 11.___In___ the evenings they all have dinner together and 12.___talk___ about 13.___their___day. Sometimes they 14.___visit their grandparents in another town. Last Christmas they 15.___made a concert for their family and friends. In the future Marry would like 16.__to have__ a lot of children. Peter thinks one is enough. Of course they still have 17. ___a lot of___ time to decide, but they are planning to 18.__getmarried soon.

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