Personality quiz with second conditional sentences. Some people are very calm. Others are nervous. Some people can stay calm in a crisis. Other people panic. What about you? Are you a survivor? Try this personality quiz.

1 If you were on a hijacked plane, would you
a) attack the hijackers?
b) sit still and do nothing?
c) scream?
d) try to escape?
2 If you won a million pounds, would you
a) put it all in a bank?
b) spend it as fast as possible?
c) hide it?
d) tell everyone about it?
3 If you were shipwrecked on a desert island, what would you do first? Would you
a) shout for help?
b) build a hut?
c) look for food?
d) look for fresh water?

4 If a robber attacked you a dark street, would you
a) give him the money?
b) grab his weapon?
c) scream?
d) run away?
5 If you smelt smoke in the middle of the night, would you
a) go back to sleep?
b) run into the street and shout ‘Fire’?
c) look for the fire?
d) telephone the fire brigade
6 If you saw a car crash, won’t you
a) faint?
b) telephone the police?
c) help the people in the cars?
d) walk away?
7 If a dog bit your leg, would you
a) forget about it?
b) kill the dog?
c) go straight to hospital?
d) look for the owner of the dog?

0-10. In a crisis you would be cool and calm. You would survive accidents, hijacks and fires. You’re a real survivor because you always think of yourself first. However, perhaps you would have more friends if you thought more of other people.
11-18: You would stay calm in most crises and you would probably survive. But you would also try to help other people and you would risk your own life. A true survivor would only think of herself or himself.
19-25: You aren’t really a survivor. You’re too emotional. In a crisis you would panic too easily. If you panicked, you wouldn’t be able to think clearly.
26-32: You aren’t a survivor at all. In a crisis you would try to be a hero. If someone attacked you, you would defend yourself to live to fight another day.

Упражнения на отработку Second Conditional.
Упражнение 1. Choose the correct option to form second conditional sentences.
⦁ No mother would have sent/would send a child to anything so awful if she is not/ were not in such misery herself!
⦁ I wouldn’t / mustn’t be surprised if we will turn / turned out to be ordinary humans, after all.
⦁ The transfer will / would be easier if she would have /had no idea what was happening.
⦁ The East India Company can / could break Miguel’s control, if it can increase / increased the coffee amount on the market.
⦁ If my brother were / had to blame he will/ would ask your forgiveness.
⦁ If this could / was be arranged there will be/ would be nothing left for Chris to do.
⦁ It would look / will look as if we were / had been conspiring.
⦁ If it weren't / wouldn’t be for the pain and disgrace Sue would be / will be willing to end it all.
Упражнение 2. Insert the verbs in the appropriate form to form second conditionals.
⦁ Binnerts (may) look for some sources on Dracula, if there (be) any.
⦁ If the police (turn) the robber out he (do) it again.
⦁ Molly’s face says 'I (love) you if I but I can't...’
⦁ These legends (draw) them on, if only they (have) no time to think realistic.
⦁ If the King (employ) an agent it (certainly be) you.
⦁ If Greg (not have) money enough to move to another town, we (give) it to him.
⦁ If Mollenhauer and Butler and (can) get together, it (be) a very different matter.
⦁ If it (be) up to me, I (have) my helicopter airborne.
Упражнение 4. Join parts of the sentences to form second conditionals.
⦁ How could you know that you would fall into the cellar…
⦁ If the police shut the robber up too soon…
⦁ They couldn't even hear in the town …
⦁ If the author were to give an account of it …
⦁ If the time scale was lengthened …
⦁ If the consultative process were to be concluded more successfully …
⦁ If it were impossible to adopt the draft resolutions by consensus …
⦁ We could hide in a big barn …
⦁ The dog would start to howl …
⦁ Even if the whole lady world protested, …
a) if we fired the cannon here.
b) they would all the same receive an overwhelming majority of all votes.
c) the reader would hardly believe it.
d) Mark wouldn’t stop watching football.
e) if we felt any danger.
f) if you didn't do this on purpose?
g) the effect would be that much more neutrons would decay into protons.
h) as if it were covered with bees
i) they would deprive themselves of getting more further evidence against him.
j) much more had to be done
Упражнение 5. Translate the second conditional sentences into English.
⦁ Если бы я был актером, я бы ненавидел это.
⦁ У нас было бы даже больше шансов, будь мы на острове
⦁ Убийца бы даже сильно удивился, если бы полицейские не вели за ним пристального наблюдения
⦁ Может, Катя была бы добрее к мужчине, будь он её родственником.

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