Переводит этот текст на казахский язык(( there are a lot of interesting and impressive cites in the usa but the heart of a nation is washington p.c its capital.washington is smaller-in size than the largest cites of the usa,such as new york.chicago detriot or los angeles.the buildings in washington are not very taller than the capital but in palitical sense washington is the center or the country and the important city of the united states.the two main sights of washington are the capital. wish houses the two chambers of the legislature and the whiste house the offical residence of the us prisident.not far from the capital there is the libary of the united states.one can hardly find a park,a square or an area in washington without a monument or a memorial. the most impressive and the best-known of them are the , lincoln memorical and the washington monument .there are also a lot of museums in washington whwre you can see all kinds of things famous paintings and selptures , the dressed of presiclient is wives the otiginal of the declaration of indepenence, ets..