Перевод на язык он взял бинокль в раздевалке, потому что у него было место в бельэтаже. 2. в кинотеатре идет новый приключенческий фильм. 3. моя прекрасная леди- известный мюзикл. он основан на пьесе бернарда шоу пигмалион. 4. лоуренс оливье был одним из величайших актеров 20 века. он был первым директором национального тетра. 5. мой любимый диснеевский персонаж- микки маус. 6. ромео и джульетта известен во всем мире. 7. каждый актер мечтает сыграть роль гамлета. 8. вчера я была в большом театре, но плохо видела сцену, так как сидела на галерке. 9. после спектакля режиссер отправился за кулисы, чтобы поздравить молодую актрису с премьерой. 10. занавес поднялся, и мы увидели красочные декорации.

Grotesk1077 Grotesk1077    1   04.06.2019 18:20    1

MrFoksSuper MrFoksSuper  01.10.2020 19:27
Как-то так:
1. He took the binoculars in the locker room because he had a place in the mezzanine .

2 . The cinema is a new adventure .

3 . My Fair Lady - known musical. It is based on a play by George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion .

4 . Laurence Olivier was one of the greatest actors of the 20th century . He was the first director of the National tetra .

5 . My favorite Disney character Mickey Mouse.

6. Ballet Romeo and Juliet is known worldwide .

7. Every actor wants to play the role of Hamlet .

8. Yesterday I was at the Bolshoi, but poorly seen the scene , as was sitting in the gallery .

9. After the play, the director went backstage to congratulate the young actress with the premiere .

10 . The curtain went up , and we saw beautiful scenery .
svetaaa77 svetaaa77  01.10.2020 19:27
  It took the field-glass in a locker room because it had a place in dress circle.
2. At a cinema there is a new adventure film.
3. My fine lady - a known musical. It is based on Bernarda Shou Pigmalion play.
4. Lawrence Olivier was one of the greatest actors of 20 centuries. It was the first director National тетра.
5. My favourite Disney's character - Mikki the Mouse.
6. Romeo and Juliette's ballet is known all over the world.
7. Each actor dreams to play Hamlet role.
8. Yesterday I was in the Bolshoi theatre, but badly saw a scene as sat on a gallery.
9. After performance the director has gone for side scenes to congratulate the young actress on a premiere.
10. The curtain has risen, and we have seen colourful scenery. 
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