Перевод на мультфильм на тему хеллуин главная гироиня девочка, пришедшая с компанией собирать сладости. она боялась монстров и ее друзья решили оставив ее одну в старом замке показав что монстров не существует. в замке девочка познакомилась с ведьмой. она отвезла ее к себе домой на метле что бы познакомить со своими друзьями - монстрами там девочка завела новых друзей скелета со шкафа, зайца , и смья вампиров девочка поняла что монстров не надо бояться

volk007volk volk007volk    2   10.09.2019 01:00    0

koroleva1858 koroleva1858  07.10.2020 04:18
Cartoon about the topic heluin

The main girion girl, who came with a company to collect sweets.

She was very afraid of the monsters and her friends decided to help leaving her alone in the old castle showing that the monsters did not exist.

In the castle, the girl met a witch.

She took her to her house on a broomstick that would introduce her friends-monsters

There the girl has got new friends of a skeleton from a case, a hare, and family off vampires.
The girl realized that the monsters should not be afraid
taysonrelect taysonrelect  07.10.2020 04:18
The main character is a girl, she came with her friends for asking about candy. She was very afraid of monsters , so her friends decided to help and leave her along in very old  castle for showing that the monsters are not exist.
In castle a girl meet a witch. She drove her to her home on broomstick to introduce her friends-monsters. In her a girl meet a new friends the skeleton from the cabinet, rabbit and vampire's smile.
   The girl realized that the monster should not be afraid.
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