Перевод !
лондон, столица великобритании, старый город. ему две тысячи лет. много лет назад лондон был маленьким городком на темзе. вокруг него было много деревень и после многих лет лондон и триста деревень выросли в большой город. некоторые названия тех деревень вы можете найти в названиях улиц в современном лондоне - кенсингтон, вестминстер и другие.
в те дни было много войн, и люди из других стран приходили в великобританию и разрушали лондон, но росли новые дома из камня.
лондон располагается недалеко от моря. много кораблей из других стран приходили в лондонский порт и привозили хлопок, продовольствие и другие вещи. фабрики росли в лондоне и других городах. много магазинов были открыты в центре лондона. в 1863 году начала работать первая подземная железная дорога. в те дни она была короткой.
сейчас лондон - красивый город с большими площадями и парками. лондон - один из самых больших городов в мире.

анора10 анора10    3   13.11.2019 21:56    1

Виталий5546 Виталий5546  10.10.2020 13:04

London, the capital of great Britain, is a very old city. It's two thousand years old. Many years ago, London was a small town on the Thames. There were many villages around it and after many years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. Some of the names of those villages you can find in the names of streets in modern London-Kensington, Westminster and others.

There were many wars in those days, and people from other countries came to Britain and destroyed London, but new houses of stone grew.

London is located a short distance from the sea. Many ships from other countries came to the port of London and brought cotton, food and other things. Factories grew in London and other cities. Many shops were opened in Central London. In 1863, the first underground railroad began operating. It was very short in those days.

Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. London is one of the largest cities in the world.

znasta745 znasta745  10.10.2020 13:04


London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago, London was a small town on the Thames. There were many villages around it, and after many years, London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. You can find some names of those villages in the street names in modern London - Kensington, Westminster and others.

There were many wars in those days and people from other countries came to Britain and destroyed London, but new stone houses grew up.

London is located near the sea. Many ships from other countries came to the port of London and brought cotton, food and other things. Factories grew in London and other cities. Many shops were open in central London. In 1863, the first underground railway began to operate. It was very short in those days.

Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. London is one of the largest cities in the world.

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