Перевидите текст с на язык (только не с переводчика) : my spring holidays were very successful. i had a lot of fun. my sister and i spent a week in st petersburg. this city is situated in the north-west of russia. we stayed at a small hotel in the centre of the city. the weather was very pleasant — warm and sunny. but they say it is very unusual. it often rains in st petersburg. we spent a lot of time outdoors doing the city, its parks and gardens. we had a boat trip around st petersburg. it is so wonderful to see its beautiful buildings from the water. they look different. we enjoyed the trip very much. we visited summer garden , one of the oldest and most famous parks of st petersburg. it is situated in the centre of the city. people say the summer garden is one of the most beautiful places of st petersburg. we walked along dvorsovaya square. it is the main square of st petersburg. dvortsovaya square is bigger and longer than red square. at midnight we watched dvortsovy bridge. it is a drawbridge over the neva river. it is a symbol of st petersburg
итые парки Санкт-Петербурга. Он расположен в центре города. Люди говорят, чтоЛетоСад - одно из красивейших местСанкт-Петербург.Мы шли по Дворцовой площади. Это главная площадь Санкт-Петербурга.Дворцовая площадь больше и длиннее Красной площади.В полночь мы наблюдали Дворцовый мост. Это мост через НевуРека. Это символ Санкт-Петербурга