Перевести: they talked (talk) and talked. suddenly they saw (see) a small bird. the bird had fallen from the tree. jim took (take) the bird in his hands and the children went (go) home. they put (put) the bird into the box. the children liked (like) the bird very much. they gave (give) the bird bread, apples,corn and water. the bird lived (live) in their house for two weeks. then jim and jill took ( take) the bird back to the forest. the bird was (be) very happy.

DashaL04 DashaL04    2   02.06.2019 02:30    1

alexandrafortun alexandrafortun  02.07.2020 23:25
Они говорили и говорили. Вдруг, они увидели маленькую птичку. Птичка упала с дерева. Джим взял птичку в руки и дети ушли домой. 
Они положили птичку в коробку. Детям очень нравилась птичка. Они давали (кормили) птичку хлебом.яблоками. кукурузой и водой.
Птичка жила в их доме 2 недели. потом,Джим и Джилл вернули птичку обратно в лес. Птичка была очень рада
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