Перевести текст с на . мой монстр весь зелёный. у него синяя майка и красные штаны. на голове у него корона жёлтого цвета. на ногах у него коричневые ботинки. у него большие глаз и широкий рот. он весёлый монстр!

89267989725 89267989725    2   13.09.2019 17:20    2

amanamisa1 amanamisa1  10.09.2020 07:51
My monster is all green. He has a blue tank top and red pants. On his head is a crown of yellow color. On his feet are brown shoes. He has a big eye and a wide mouth. He's a very funny monster!
POPKA1kemping POPKA1kemping  10.09.2020 07:51
My monster is all green. He has a blue tank top and red shorts. On his head is a crown of yellow color. On his feet he has brown shoes. He has big eyes and a wide mouth. He is a very funny monster!
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