Перевести текст once there were five strange brothers. they and their mother had а little house bythe sea. the five brothers looked so much alike that nobody could tell which was which. they could do some very strange things. but they did not tell other people about the strange things which they could do. first brother could hold all the water of the sea in his mouth. while ье had the sea in his mouth, he could catch the strange fish that lived at the bottom of the sea. не did not use а fishing-rod. не used his two hands and he always fished alone. but first brother caught more fish than any other man in the town. many men asked him how he did it, but he never told them. the people in the town liked the strange fish that first brother caught at the bottom of the sea. they gave him much money for the fish. and so he and his mother and his brothers always had money. second brother could not take all the water of the sea into his mouth. не could not fish at the bottom of the sea as first brother could. but second brotherwas so hard that he could not ье hurt. his hands were hard, his feet were hard, and even his head was hard. 250 приложение 2 second brother was so hard that he could play with crocodiles. не could put his head or his hands right into theirmouths, and they could not hurt him. не worked at the zoo because no animal could eat him up. third brother could not take all the water of the sea into his mouth. не was not hard like second brother. не could ье hurt. but third brother could stretch his legs and make them as long as he liked. не could stretch them down to the bottom ofthe sea. не could stretch them so that he could see over the tops of trees. fourth brotherwas as strange as the first, second and third brothers. не could not take the sea into his mouth. не was not so hard as second brother, he could ье hurt. не could not stretch his legs to the bottom of the sea. but fire could not burn fourth brother. не liked to take matches and light а fire. when the fire was blg, fourth brother liked to go to sleep in it. once а house burned down while fourth brotherwas asleep in it. next morning, when he woke up, he was greatly surprised. there was по house! "where is the house? " he asked. the fire did not burn him. fifth brother was strange too. не could not hold the sea in his mouth. не was not so hard as second brother- he could ье hurt. не could not stretch his legs to the bottom of the sea. fire could burn him. but fifth brother could live without any air at all. it was very, very strange, for everybody needs air. but not fifth brother! не needed no air at all. не was а little like fourth brother. не liked to ье where it was hot. but he didn't like to ье where fire could burn him.

kilernosok kilernosok    3   21.03.2019 18:09    163

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