Перевести текст на книга "робинзон крузо" написана даниелем дефо. в ней рассказывается о моряке робинзоне крузо, который отправился в морское путешествие со своими друзьями. во время шторма, погибли все его друзья. робинзон находит остров и поселяется там. там он знакомится с аборигеном по имени пятница. он живет с ним на острове 28 лет. однажды на их остров приплывают пираты и он стал бороться с ними. робинзон крузо отвоевал остров. вскоре он отправляется домой, оставив друга на острове.

nastu41 nastu41    2   11.06.2019 19:40    2

AlekseyBunin007 AlekseyBunin007  02.10.2020 00:16
Вроде так :)
The book "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe wrote. It tells of a sailor Robinson Crusoe, who went on a voyage with his friends. During a storm, killing all his friends. Robinson finds the island and settled there. There, he met with the native named Friday. He lives with him on the island for 28 (twenty-eight) years. Once on the island of pirates sail and he began to fight with them. Robinson Crusoe island conquered. Soon he is sent home, leaving the other on the island.
Avakado01 Avakado01  02.10.2020 00:16
The book "Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe. It discusses the sailor Robinson Crusoe, who went on a boat trip with his friends. During a storm, killing all of his friends. Robinson finds the island and settled there. There he meets a native by the name of Friday. He lives with him on the island for 28 years. Once on their island sail pirates and he began to fight them. Robinson Crusoe conquered the island. Soon he is sent home, leaving the other on the island
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