Перевести слова в скобках на english в нужном времени! translate the words in brackets. 1. he will not (приедет) till 5 o’clock. 2. summer (наступило) late this year. 3.she didn’t hear anything but felt a sudden (страх) walking in the darkness. 4.she (принесла) me several books to read and some apples. 5. i understood that we were going in (неправильный) direction. 6. the child (не боится) anything. 7. she looked young and healthy though she (воспитала) three children. 8. he gave up his career and (обратился) to painting. 9. the ship (утонул) not far from that island. 10. (борьба) against evil is his life. 11. he (не хватило смелости) tell her the truth. 12. (в глубине души) we didn’t believe him. 13. he never (сдавался) without (боя). 14. the substance (ис пускало) a strange smell. 15. we stopped to find out (что случилось). 16.she always (принимала близко к сердцу) people’s problems.

jkdsxkidhkofd jkdsxkidhkofd    3   08.07.2019 10:50    1

maя maя  16.09.2020 12:27
1. come
2. came
3. fear
4. brought
5. wrong
6. is not afraid of
7. brought up
8. turned to
9. went down
10. struggle
11. wasn't brave enough to
12. deep in our hearts
13. gave up, fighting
14. exuded
15. what happened
16. took personally
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