Перевести предложения в отрицательную форму there is some milk in the bottle. there are two chairs and one armehair in the sitting room. there are three apples and one pear in the box. there is some grapefruit juise in the glass. there are new houses in thes street.

dja4enkodanil16 dja4enkodanil16    3   10.08.2019 01:40    2

farkhundaibragimova farkhundaibragimova  31.08.2020 12:54

1. There isn't any milk in the bottle.

2. There aren't two chairs and one armchair in the sitting room.

3. There aren't three apples and one pear in the box.

4. There is no grapefruit juise in the glass.

5. There are no new houses in this street.

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