Перевести предложения с на ! он не видел меня, так как писал что-то. когда я позвонил ему по телефону, его сестра сказала, что он ушел в магазин. ты когда нибудь видел море? пора будить его, он спит уже 10 часов. поезд прибыл 10 минут назад. когда я подошел к полке и хотел взять словарь, я увидел, что его там нет. кто-то взял его. кто посоветовал тебе поехать туда на неделе? она сказала, что сможет присоединиться к нам на следующей неделе. мы видели его в институте месяц назад, но с тех пор ни чего о нем не слышали. я знал, что он возвращается домой поздно. я знал, что он вернется домой поздно. я знаю, что он возвращается домой поздно.

jgfygbyt jgfygbyt    2   13.06.2019 02:40    1

Виолета131 Виолета131  10.07.2020 10:59
He did not see me, because he wrote something.
When I called him on the phone, his sister said that he had gone to the store.
Have you ever seen the sea?
It's time to wake him up, he sleeps for 10 hours.
The train arrived 10 minutes ago.
When I went to the shelf and wanted to take a dictionary, I saw that he was not there. Someone took it.
Who told you to go there last week?
She said she would be able to join us next week.
We saw him at the institute a month ago, but since then, neither of which is not heard from him.
I knew he was coming home late.
I knew that he would return home late.
I know he's coming home late.
aida04gmailcom aida04gmailcom  10.07.2020 10:59
He had not seen me, because he wrote something.
When I called him on the phone, his sister said that he went to the store.
Have you ever seen the sea?
It's time to Wake him, he sleeps for 10 hours.
The train arrived 10 minutes ago.
When I went to the shelf and wanted to take the dictionary, I saw that it was empty. Someone took it.
Who advised you to go there last week?
She said that she will be able to join us next week.
We saw him at the Institute a month ago, but since then not a thing, never heard of him.
I knew that he was coming home late.
I knew that he would return home late.
I know that he comes home late
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