Перевести предложения из прямой речи в коственную: 1. what will we eat tonight? 2. is there a swimming pool? 3. does this city have underground trains? 4. how long are we staying here? 5. are we going on a river trip? 6. where is the nearest bank? 7. can the hotel change my room? 8. when does it get dark? начинаются ответы так: 1. i’d like to know 2. can you tell me 3. can you tell me 4. i’d like to know 5. i’d like to know 6. can you tell me 7. i’d like to know 8. can you tell me 15 !

annavilnitskaja annavilnitskaja    2   30.04.2019 14:55    1

fatima777799ozu0sv fatima777799ozu0sv  09.06.2020 04:21

1. I’d like to know what we will eat tonight.

2. Can you tell me if there is a swimming pool?

3. Can you tell me if this city has underground trains?

4. I’d like to know how long we are staying here.

5. I’d like to know if we are going on a river trip.

6. Can you tell me where the nearest bank is?

7. I’d like to know if the hotel can change my room.

8. Can you tell me when it gets dark?

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