Перевести на язык, я бы хотела рассказать о стивене хокинге. он известный . сначала он учился в оксфорде. затем стал учиться в кембридже, где стал профессором . изучал теорию возникновения мира в результате большого взрыва. также изучал теорию чёрных дыр. 30 лет назад врачи сказали, что ему осталось жить 2 года. вскоре он был парализован. после тяжелой болезни у него начались проблемы с легкими. позже, хокинг утратил говорить. друзья подарили ему синтезатор речи, который был установлен на его кресле-коляске. сейчас стивену 73 года. несмотря на болезнь, он ведет активный образ жизни. 26 апреля 2007 года он совершил полёт в невесомости . на 2009 год был запланирован полёт в космос, который не состоялся.

MariaUt MariaUt    2   29.06.2019 00:00    2

teaonline teaonline  02.10.2020 14:55

I'd like to tell you about Stephen Hawking. He's a famous physicist. At first he studied at Oxford. Then he began to study at Cambridge, where he became the Professor of Mathematics. He studied the theory of the origin of the world in a Big Bang. He also studied the theory of black holes.

30 years ago the doctors said he had only 2 years left to live. Soon he was paralyzed. After a serious illness he had lung problems. Later, Hawking had lost the ability to speak. Friends gave him a speech synthesizer that was installed on his wheelchair.

Now Stephen is 73 years. Despite his illness, he leads an active lifestyle. On April 26, 2007 he made a flight in weightlessness. For 2009 there was planned a space flight, which did not take place.

vcurakina vcurakina  02.10.2020 14:55

I'd like to tell you about Stephen Hawking. He's a famous physicist. He first studied at Oxford. Then he began to study at Cambridge, where he became a Professor of mathematics. He studied the theory of the creation of the world as a result of the Big Bang. He also studied the theory of black holes.

Thirty years ago, doctors said that he had 2 years to live. Soon he was paralyzed. After a serious illness, he had problems with his lungs. Later, Hawking lost the ability to speak. Friends gave him a speech synthesizer, which was installed on his wheelchair.

Now Stephen is 73 years old. Despite the disease, he leads an active lifestyle. On April 26, 2007, he flew in zero gravity.  In 2009, a flight into space was planned, which did not take place.

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