Перевести на язык и к каждому предложению построить вопросы: общий,специальный и отрицание. 1.мой друг занимается спортом каждый день. 2. мы живем в новом доме. 3. моя сестра убирает комнаты утром. 4. они любят читать. 5. моя сестра слушает современную музыку вечером. 6. мои родители часто смотрят новости по телевизору. 7. студенты нашего колледжа играют в волейбол на уроках физкультуры.

kimttaehyung kimttaehyung    3   12.08.2019 00:20    1

RussianT RussianT  02.08.2020 14:06
1. My friend has sport every day. What has my friend every day?
2. We live in a new house. Where are we live?
3. My sister tides rooms at morning. When my sister tides rooms?
4. They are like read. What are they like? 
5. My sister listen music at evening. What my sister listen at evening? 
6. My parents usually watch news on TV. What my parents usually watch on TV?
7. Students of our school play volleyball on PE lessons. Which game students play on PE lessons?
filippovdanis filippovdanis  02.08.2020 14:06
My friend does sport every day. ,doesn't Dows my friend do sport every day?2.We live in the new house, don't. Do we live in the new house(they).3.My sister cleans rooms every in the morning, doesn't. Does my sister clean rooms in the morning.4.They like to read., don't. Do they like to read.5.My sister listens modern music in the evening, doesn't. Does my sister listen music in the evenings.6.My parents often watch the news in the TVset., don't. Do my parents often watch in the TVset 7. Students in the our university play volleyball at the PE, don't. Do students in our university play volleyball at the PE.
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