Перевести на язык 1. как жаль, что я не молод 2. если бы ты принёс мне эту книгу вчера, я бы прочитал её. 3. на твоём месте я бы не стал отвечать ему. 4. если бы ты сдал экзамены в месяце, мы бы устроили вечеринку. 5. если бы он знал, что это опасно он бы не пошёл

jorik9 jorik9    1   23.06.2019 22:30    0

матвей467 матвей467  11.04.2020 16:24
I wish I were young
If you had brought me this book yesterday, I would have read it
If I were you, I would not answer to him
If you had passed the exams last month, we would have thrown a party
If he had known it was dangerous, he wouldn't have gone
andreyfirst2001 andreyfirst2001  11.04.2020 16:24
1. what a pity that I no longer young
2. if you brought me this book yesterday, I would have read it.
3. in your place, I would not answer him.
4. if you passed the exam last month, we would have a party.
5. if he knew it was dangerous, he would not go
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