Перевести на : я провела лето хорошо. я слушала музыку на своем телефоне почти каждый день. я плавала на лодке по реке и увидела в реке маленькую рыбку. играла в мячь со своими друзьями. ещё я каталась по дорожке на роликах. и я была на море там я плавала и веселилась.

anisiloppoosa anisiloppoosa    3   28.09.2019 11:20    2

Роксолана123456789 Роксолана123456789  09.10.2020 00:30

I spent the summer well.

I listened to music on my phone almost every day.

I sailed by boat on the river and saw a small fish in the river.

I played ball with my friends.

I also skated on the roller track.

And I was at sea there, I swam and had fun.

fkfofo02 fkfofo02  09.10.2020 00:30
I spent the summer well.
I listened to music on my phone almost every day.
I sailed by boat on the river and saw a small fish in the river.
I played ball with my friends.
I also skated on the roller track.
And I was at sea there, I swam and had fun.
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