Перевести на вопросы: 1. почему римский император закончил олимпийские игры? 2. кому пришла идея вернуть олимпийские игры? 3. имел ли он от сторонников? 4. когда были первые современные олимпийские игры? 5. куда
пришли 13 атлетов конкурировать в спорте?

никто273 никто273    3   07.03.2019 21:00    3

TatarskayaGreckha TatarskayaGreckha  24.05.2020 04:04

Why did Roman emperor ended the Olympics? 

Who had the idea to return the Olympic Games?

Did he have help from supporters?

When were the first modern Olympic Games?

Where athletes come to compete in 13 sports?

Lukanuta2704 Lukanuta2704  24.05.2020 04:04

1. Why the Roman emperor has finished  Olympic games?

2. To whom the idea to return  Olympic games has come?

3. Whether it had the help from supporters?

4. When there were first modern Olympic games?

5. Where have come 13 athletes to compete in sports?

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