Перевести на : (в present perfect, past perct) 1моя новый друг спросил, откуда я родом. 2. мы не знали, где родилась наша бабушка. 3.что ты выяснил о его семье? 4.где ты был все это время? 5.джейн спросила своего младшего брата, где он был. 6.когда мы жили в городе, мы с удовольствием удили рыбу. 7.я не знала, что ник любит спать на открытом воздухе 8.-где питер? -он ушел гулять с собакой 9. к тому моменту, когда мама вернулась, мы уже выучили все новые слова 10. он сказал, что не справится с этим

ep0977912721 ep0977912721    1   13.06.2019 08:00    2

lilulurens lilulurens  10.07.2020 12:51
My new friend asked where I came from. 2. We didn't know where she was born, our grandmother. 3.what did you find about his family? Hae you been all this time? Can asked his younger brother where he was. 6.when we lived in the city, we enjoyed fishing. YA didn't know that Nick likes to sleep in the open air 8.-Where Is Peter? "He went to walk the dog 9. By the time when the mother returned, we've learned a whole new vocabulary 10. He said that they will not cope with this task
nelia3232 nelia3232  10.07.2020 12:51
1. My new friend asked where i was from.
2. We don,t know where my grandmother was born.
3.What did you find out about his family ?
4.Where have you been all this time?
5.Jane asked his younger brother where he was.
6.When we lived in the city, we will be happy fished.
7.I did not know that Nick likes to sleep in the open air.
8..- Where is Peter? He's gone for a walk with the dog.
9.By the time the mother returned , we have learned all the new words
10.He said that he can not cope with this task.
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