Перевести на в пассивный залог: первоначально на территории, на которой стоит парк была городским кладбищем.в 1974 году парк имени а. к. толстого получил статус парк-музея.в 1960г. в парке был установлен первый в россии бронзовый бюст. в 1982 г. парк-музей был внесен в монографию "парки мира".заранее

Кристинанана Кристинанана    3   16.09.2019 21:50    0

Kirpiche Kirpiche  07.10.2020 20:36
Originally in the territory on which the Park was a city cemetery.in 1974, the Park named after A. K. Tolstoy received the status of the Park Museum.in 1960. the Park was first established in Russia a bronze bust. In 1982, the Museum-Park was introduced in the monograph "peace parks".
89232752183 89232752183  07.10.2020 20:36
Originally in the territory on which the park was a city cemetery. In 1974 the park named after AK Tolstoy received the status of a park-museum. In 1960. in the park was installed the first bronze bust in Russia. In 1982, the Park Museum was included in the monograph "Parks of the World".
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