Перевести на следующие предложения: 1 я был голоден, когда вернулся домой со школы. 2 он трудолюбивый. 3 является ли он вашим одноклассникам? 4 было ли весело вчера на вечеринке? 5 когда он вошёл в комнату было темно. 6 приходи на вечеринку, будет весело! 7 он не будет рад увидеть беспорядок в комнате. 8 я не был готов к экзамену по . 9 дети будут в музее в воскресенье. 10 будем ли мы в лондоне завтра в это время? 11 в саду было красиво. 12 соревнование будет в пекине в июне.

juliyakam juliyakam    1   29.08.2019 14:00    0

Tanyams Tanyams  06.10.2020 03:01
1 I was hungry, When I got home from school. 2 He is very hardworking. 3 Is he your classmates? 4 Was there a lot of fun yesterday at the party? 5 When he entered the room it was dark. 6 Come to the party will be fun! 7 He will not be happy to see a mess in the room. 8 I was not ready for the history exam. 9 Children will be at the museum on Sunday. 10 Will we be in London tomorrow at this time? 11 It was very beautiful in the garden. 12 The competition will be in Beijing in June.
knaletov knaletov  06.10.2020 03:01
1. I was hungry when I returned home from school.
2. He is very hardworking.
3. Is he your classmate?
4. Was it funny on the party yesterday?
5. When he came to the room, it was darkly.
6. Go to the party, it'll be funny.
7. He won't be exciting to see a chaos in the room.
8. I am not ready to pass exams for History.
9 The children will be in a museum on Sunday.
10. Will we be in London at the time?
11. In the garden was very nice.
12. The competition will be in Beijing in June.
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