Перевести на , это лето я провела с пользой.я научилась готовить.все началось с простого кекса на сгущенке.он получился вкусным.потом я заинтересовалась другими рецептами.всего за лето я выучила десять рецептов.так же,кроме выпечки,я научилась варить супы и делать каши.теперь моя мама справляется на кухне быстрее с моей .моя семья рада моей выпечки.а так же,я веду записи рецептов,и делюсь ими с друзьями.этот навык полезен.

fox02713foxsi fox02713foxsi    1   02.07.2019 09:30    0

Molina121212 Molina121212  26.07.2020 15:49
This summer I spent usefully.I learned to cook.It all started with a simple cupcake on the condensed milk.It was very tasty.Then I became interested in other recipes.Just over the summer I learned ten recipes.Besides baking,I learned to cook soup and porridge.Now my mom cope in the kitchen faster with my help.My family is pleased with my baking.And also,I am recording recipes,and share them with friends.This skill is very useful.
скарабец скарабец  26.07.2020 15:49
This summer I spend my time usefully. I've learnt how to cook. Everything began with a condensed milk maffin that turned out very tasty. After that I was interested to check out other recepies. I've learnt how to cook 10 different recepies during this summer. Now I can cook soups and porridges. With my help mother is coping with her cooking much faster. My family is proud of me for my cooking skills. What is more, I write down all my recepies and share them with my friends. Cooking is a very useful skill.
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