Перевести на английский 1. Когда был открыт этот музей?
2. Где были куплены эти чашки?
3. Статья была переведена на неделе.
4. Этот музей посещается тысячами туристов.
5. Климатические изменения наблюдаются на нашей планете.

Varkorn Varkorn    1   04.09.2020 02:17    1

Timyr1020 Timyr1020  15.10.2020 17:21

1When the museum was open?

2Where was buy these caps?


4This museum visit thousands tourists

5Climate changes on our planet

А это из переводчика:

Translate to English

1. When was this museum opened?

2. Where were these cups purchased?

3. The article was translated last week.

4. This museum is visited by thousands of tourists.

5. Climatic changes are observed on our planet.

dashaevа07 dashaevа07  15.10.2020 17:21

1.When was this museum opened?

2.Where were these cups bought?

3.The article was translated last week.

4.This museum is an insatiable thousands of tourists.

5.Climate change bserved on our planet.

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