перевести на - агата кристи детективы писала? нет агата кристи не писала детективы. агата кристи родилась в ? нет а.к.родилась не в . известные-ли писатели эркюль пуаро и миссис марпл? нет э.п. и м.м. не известные писатели. эркюль пуаро опрятен в одежде и в расследовании? нет э.п.не опрятен и не . миссис марпл пожилая женщина? нет м.м.не пожилая женщина.

Geniud Geniud    2   05.08.2019 01:50    0

vagiz9779 vagiz9779  03.10.2020 22:48
Agatha Christie detectives wrote?No Agatha Christie wrote detective stories.Agatha Christie was born in England?No A. K. was not born in England.Known-whether writers Hercule Poirot and Mrs. Marple?No E. P. and M. M. are not known to the writers.Hercule Poirot neat clothes and decent in the investigation?No E. P. is not neat and not decent.Mrs. Marple an elderly woman?No M. not an elderly woman.
Anastaskip Anastaskip  03.10.2020 22:48
Agatha Christie detectives wrote?No Agatha Christie wrote detective stories.
Agatha Christie was born in England?No A. K. was not born in England.
Known-whether writers Hercule Poirot and Mrs. Marple?No E. P. and M. M. are not known to the writers.
Hercule Poirot neat clothes and decent in the investigation?No E. P. is not neat and not decent.
Mrs. Marple an elderly woman?No M. not an elderly woman.
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