Перевести на . 1.в третьяковской галереи находится много знаменитых картин. 2.на нашей улице будет новый торговый центр. 3.в россии много больших городов. 4.в нашей группе в году было 25 студентов. 5.в году четыре сезона. 6.в комнате ни кого не было. 7.на этой улице будет много новых магазинов. 8.на недели было не много работы. 9.в стакане было не много воды. 10.в вашей комнате были картины?

kirillan2 kirillan2    2   17.05.2019 15:20    0

domaris246 domaris246  10.06.2020 20:07

1.In the Tretyakov Gallery has many famous paintings. 2.The our street is the new shopping center. 3.In the many large Russian cities. 4.B our group last year was 25 students. 5.B, the four seasons. 6.B room no one had. 7.Na this street will be a lot of new stores. 8.Na last week was not a lot of work. 9.B glass was not a lot of water. 10.V your room were pictures?



Dabby1 Dabby1  10.06.2020 20:07

. In the Tretyakov Gallery has many famous paintings. 2.The our street is the new shopping center. 3.In the many large Russian cities. 4.B our group last year was 25 students. 5.B, the four seasons. 6.B room no one had. 7.Na this street will be a lot of new stores. 8.Na last week was not a lot of work. 9.B glass was not a lot of water. 10.V your room were pictures?

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