Перевести на , 1. ему ничего не сказали, и он ушел 2. мне показали дорогу, и я благополучно дошел до деревни. 3. им обещали принести билеты вчера. 4. мальчика пропустили в музей без оплаты,он был eще маленький. 5. нам дали несколько яблок, и мы с удовольствием их съели. 6. за билеты было заплачено, и у нас оставалось еще немного денег 7. нам расскажут об этом всё, я не сомневаюсь. 8. за мальчиком послали, и вскоре он появился в дверях.

Ritochkа Ritochkа    2   10.07.2019 11:30    1

rumtum rumtum  30.08.2020 15:23
1. He did not say anything , and he was gone 2. They showed me the way , and I safely reached the village. 3. They promised to bring the tickets yesterday. 4. The boy missed in the museum without paying , it was a small permanent link . 5. We were given some apples , and we ate them with pleasure . 6. For ticket was paid for , and we had a little more money 7. We talk about it all , I have no doubt . 8. For the boy was sent , and soon he appeared in the doorway.
немогусделать1 немогусделать1  30.08.2020 15:23
1)He was said nothing.2) I was shown a road, and I got a village safely.3) they were promised to bring tickets yesterday 4) a boy was passed to museum without payment, he was little 5) we were given some apples, we had eaten them with pleasure 6) tickets were paid for, we had some money. 7) we will be told everything about it, I am sure 8)
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