Перевести когда мама пришла домой, петя слушал музыку 2. мой брат хорошо говорит по 3 вчера целый день мы гуляли в лесу 4. мой друг сказал мне, что он будет поступать в универ.

Inna2404 Inna2404    3   23.05.2019 19:00    3

GGWPmen GGWPmen  01.10.2020 10:08
When mother came home Peter was listening a music
2. My brother speaks good Englis. ili my brother speak very well in English
3. Yesterday we was walking all day in a forest
4. My friend told me that he would come to university
mariana122 mariana122  01.10.2020 10:08
When my mother came home, Peter was listening to music  2. My brother speaks good English  3 all day yesterday we were walking in the woods  4. my friend told me that he would come to the university.
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