Перевести. и переделать в вопрос и отдельно отрицание. он умеет плавать моя мама купила мне велосипед они построили новый дом моя подруга хочет стать актрисой мой брат поймал бабочку он мог читать целый день мой друг сломал ногу

Qwtyt Qwtyt    1   03.06.2019 15:50    1

asyast26 asyast26  03.07.2020 22:26
He can swim.-Can he swim?-He can't swim.
My mother bought me cycle.-Did my mother buy me cycle?-My mother didn't buy me cycle
 They built a new house.-Did they build a new house?-They didn't build a new house.
My friend wants to become an actress.-Does my friend want to become an actress?-My friend doesn't want to become an actress.
My brother caught a butterfly. Did my brother catch a butterfly? My brother didn't catch a butterfly.
He could read all day long. Could he read all day long? He couldn't read all day long.
My friend broke his leg. Did my friend break his leg? My friend didn't brake his leg.
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