Перевести цифры на 1835, 1842, 1847, 1850, 1857, 1858, 1861, 1865. заранее

litvinsofia245 litvinsofia245    1   18.09.2019 21:40    0

Seperawar Seperawar  08.10.2020 00:53
One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five,one thousand eight hundred and forty-two,one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven,one thousand eight hundred and fifty,one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven,one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight,one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one,one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five
Прлплмопо Прлплмопо  08.10.2020 00:53
1835 - one thousand eight hundred and thirty five
1842 - one thousand eight hundred and forty two
1847 - one thousand eight hundred and forty seven
1850 - one thousand eight hundred and fifty
1858 - one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight
1861 - one thousand eight hundred and sixty one
1865 - one thousand eight hundred and sixty five
Вот и все!
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