перевести без переводчика на этим летом было много хороших моментов. я ездила на юг. обрела интересного друга. побывала на соревнованиях в тюмени. но было и много плохого. у меня была травма ноги. из-за этого я месяц лежала дома. я не съездила в лес на скалы. и почти все лето не тренировалась. это лето только мои друзья. мы часто гуляли. много и смеялись. думаю следующее лето будет лучше! ( )

СаняDots СаняDots    3   04.09.2019 12:10    0

nsmotrova nsmotrova  06.10.2020 16:51

 This summer I had a lot of nice moments. I went to the south and made a good friend there. Also I took part in a competition in Tiumen.

But unfortunately a lot of bad things happened to me. I had a leg injury so I had to stay in bed for a month. I didn`t go on a mountain trip in the forest. And didn`t train  most of the summer. Only my friends saved this summer. We often went for a walk, smiled a lot, and had fun. I hope my next summer will be better.

the1rgn the1rgn  06.10.2020 16:51
This summer there were a lot of good moments. I went south. I found an interesting friend. I went to competitions in Tyumen.
But there was a lot of bad. I had a leg injury. Because of this, I was at home for a month. I did not go to the forest on the rocks. And almost all summer did not train.
This summer was saved only by my friends. We often walked. many smiled and laughed. I think the next summer will be better!
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