Перевести . 1) миссис смит попросила мери сходить в магазин . 2) учитель велел детям не открывать книги. 3) том спросил, почему я не позвонил ему вчера. 4) анна сказала, что она сейчас учит уроки. 5) мама спросила, хочу ли я еще чаю с пирожными.

angeljulia20033 angeljulia20033    2   18.07.2019 14:50    0

dasha240417 dasha240417  22.09.2020 01:21
1)Mrs. Smith asked Mary to go to the store.
2)The teacher told the children not to open the book.
3)Tom asked me why I had not called him yesterday
4)Anna said that she is now teaching lessons.
5)Mom asked me if I wanted more tea and cake.
sarychevalenka sarychevalenka  22.09.2020 01:21
1 Mrs Smith asked Mary to go to the shop. (or store)
2 The teacher told the pupils not to open the books.
3 Tom asked me why I didn't call him yesterday.
4 Ann told me, that she is doing her lessons now.
5 Mom asked me if I wanted more tea with bisquits. (or with cake)
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