Переведите в косвенную речь :З
1. He asked me: «Where do you live?”

2. Prince John said to Locksley: “Why are you shouting?”

3. Tom said: “I am very thirsty”.

4. The girl asked: “How can I get to the circus?”

5. Nellie said to me: “Did you see “Hamlet” on Tuesday?”

6. The classmate said to me: “Explain me the rule please”.

7. The teacher said to Jack: “You are a good student”.

8. Out teacher said: “Don’t talk to each other at the lesson”.

9. He said to me: “Do you want to play badminton?” 10. The poor man asked: “Is this horse wild?”

БомБонУтыЙ БомБонУтыЙ    3   17.04.2020 10:23    1

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