Переведите в косвенную речь when conan doyle arrived in boston, he was at once recognized by the cabman whose cab he had engaged. when he was about to pay his fare, the cabman said: “if you please, sir, i should prefer a ticket to your lecture.” conan doyle laughed. “tell me,” he said, how you knew who i was and i’ll give you tickets for your whole family.” “thank you, sir,” was the answer. “on the side of your travelling bag is your name — conan doyle.”
“Если позволите, сэр, я должен предпочесть билет на вашу лекцию.” Конан Дойл рассмеялся. “Скажите мне,” сказал он, как вы знали
кто я и я дам тебе билеты на всю семью.” “Благодарю вас, сэр, - был ответ. “На стороне
саквояж ваше имя — Конан Дойл.”