Переведите в косвенную речь: 1 he said to her,"where do you usually spend your summer holidays? " 2.she asked me,"why didnt you come here yesterday? " 3.she asked me,"what will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office? "

Тигрица574 Тигрица574    2   18.05.2019 05:24    6

petrius100p0bmz5 petrius100p0bmz5  30.09.2020 19:52

1. He asked her where did she usually spent her summer holiday.

2. She asked me why i had not come there the day before.

3. She asked me what I would do the following day if  i wasn't busy at my office.

Olesya1502 Olesya1502  30.09.2020 19:52

1.He said to her where did she usually spend her summer holidays.

2.She asked me why had I come there the day before.

3.She asked me what would I do the next day if I wasn't busy at my office.

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