Переведите в косвенную ! : 1) helen " where has bobby gone" 2) betty : " what did you do yesterday " 3) sara : " stay at home . dont go out , allan". 4) david : " why did you do there last night ? " 5) mother : " how many times has john been to austrailia ? "

1Shupy4ka 1Shupy4ka    2   05.06.2019 14:10    2

rodionowa2003 rodionowa2003  06.07.2020 01:22

Helen wondered where Bobby had gone.

Betty wanted to know what I had done the previous day.

Sara told Alan to stay at home and not to go out.

David wondered why ( what ближе по контексту) I had done there the previous night.

Mother wanted to know how many times John had been to Australia.

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