Переведите текст на древнегреческая легенда рассказывает, что неприглашенная на свадьбу богиня раздора и вражды эрида подбросила на свадебный стол золотое яблоко, на котором было написано единственное слово - «самой красивой». были на олимпе гера, афина и афродита заспорили, кто должен владеть этим яблоком. каждая из них по праву была достойна владеть яблоком , и даже зевс отказался быть их судьей. он взял яблоко, отдал его гермесу и велел отвести богинь в окрестности трои, на гору олимпа, где их спор должен был решить сын царя трои приама, парис. гера обещала парису власть над всей азией, афина - славу и победы, а афродита обещала ему в жены прекрасную елену.услыхав обещание афродиты, парис отдал яблоко ей.афродита парису похитить елену, жену спартанского царя менелая, что впоследствии и стало причиной троянской войны.

Agarin Agarin    1   18.03.2019 19:00    1

olesyamolyanova olesyamolyanova  09.05.2020 06:00

An ancient Greek legend, the uninvited wedding goddess of discord and strife Eris threw a wedding table a golden apple, on which was written a single word - "The Most Beautiful". Were on Olympus Hera, Athena and Aphrodite arguing who should own this apple. Each of them was rightfully deserves to own an apple, and even Zeus refused to be their judge. He took the apple, gave it to Hermes and told to withdraw goddesses in the neighborhood of Troy, Mount Olympus, where they had to decide the dispute son of King Priam of Troy, Paris. Hera promised PARIS power over the whole of Asia, Athena - the glory and victory, and Aphrodite promised him in marriage Elenu.Uslyhav wonderful promise of Aphrodite, Paris gave the apple of Paris ey.Afrodita helped kidnap Helen, wife of Spartan King Menelaus, which later was the cause of the Trojan War .

123456qwe1234567 123456qwe1234567  09.05.2020 06:00

An ancient Greek legend, the uninvited wedding goddess of discord and strife Eris threw a wedding table a golden apple, on which was written a single word - "The Most Beautiful". Were on Olympus Hera, Athena and Aphrodite arguing who should own this apple. Each of them was rightfully deserves to own an apple, and even Zeus refused to be their judge. He took the apple, gave it to Hermes and told to withdraw goddesses in the neighborhood of Troy, Mount Olympus, where they had to decide the dispute son of King Priam of Troy, Paris. Hera promised PARIS power over the whole of Asia, Athena - the glory and victory, and Aphrodite promised him in marriage Elenu.Uslyhav wonderful promise of Aphrodite, Paris gave the apple of Paris ey.Afrodita helped kidnap Helen, wife of Spartan King Menelaus, which later was the cause of the Trojan War .

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