Переведите текст на без переводчика! т.к он выдает ошибки! 1. не держи в кошельке много денег 2. держи кошелёк в поясной сумке 3. не клади кошелёк в задний карман! 4. всегда будь осторожен в людных местах и не оставляй вещи без присмотра
1.Do not keep a lot of money in your wallet 2.Keep the purse in your waist bag 3.Do not put a purse in your back pocket! 4.Always be careful in crowded places and do not leave things unattended.
1.Don't keep much money in your purse/wallet. 2.Keep your purse /wallet in your waist bag. 3.Don't put a purse /a wallet in your back pocket. 4.Always be careful in crowded places and don't leave items/things unattended.
2.Keep the purse in your waist bag
3.Do not put a purse in your back pocket!
4.Always be careful in crowded places and do not leave things unattended.
2.Keep your purse /wallet in your waist bag.
3.Don't put a purse /a wallet in your back pocket.
4.Always be careful in crowded places and don't leave items/things unattended.