Переведите текст на ! 50 ! я организовала вечеринку в честь начала лета. эта вечеринка будет проходить в парке около школы в 16: 00, 1 июня. там будет весело. будут напитки, закуски и самая крутая музыка. так же будут конкурсы с призами, а ещё будут платные забавные игрушки, они будут дешевые, а собранные деньги пойдут на благотворительность. хочешь прийти? звони!

Amy1503 Amy1503    1   24.08.2019 19:10    0

aljoona99 aljoona99  05.10.2020 17:26
I organized a party in honor of the beginning of summer. This party will take place in the park near the school at 16:00, on 1 June. There will be a lot of fun. There will be drinks, snacks and the coolest music. There will also be contests with prizes, and will be paid more fun toys, they are cheap, and the money raised will go to charity. You want to come? Call me!
Cfynks Cfynks  05.10.2020 17:26
I have organized a party in honor of the beginning of summer. This party will take place in the park about school at 16:00, on June 1.There will be very cheerful. There will be drinks, snacks and the most abrupt music. There will be also competitions with prizes, and there will be paid amusing toys, they will be the cheap, and raised money will go for charity. Do you want to come? Call me!
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