Переведите следующие предложения: 1. наша секретарша - милая девушка. ее зовут катя. она высокая, с большими серыми глазами и длинными волосами. сейчас она занята. она сидит за столом и работает. она проверяет документы. катя проголодалась и собирается пообедать в макдоналдсе. сегодня вечером она собирается навестить друзей, а в субботу она собирается купить новый компьютер и работать дома. 2. наши программисты - милые парни. они братья. их зовут макс и алекс. они высокие, с карими глазами и длинными волосами. сейчас они заняты, они сидят за своими столами и работают. их работа - действительно интересная. они собираются обедать в офисе. сегодня вечером они собираются пригласить своих друзей в кино, а в воскресенье они собираются навестить дядю за городом.


Chelyabin Chelyabin  07.10.2020 03:44
Translate the following sentences: 1. Our secretary is a very nice girl. Her name is Katya. She is tall, with big gray eyes and long hair. Now she is very busy. She sits at the table and works. She checks the documents. Katya is hungry and is going to have dinner at McDonald's. Tonight she is going to visit friends, and on Saturday she is going to buy a new computer and work at home. 2. Our programmers are very nice guys. They are brothers. Their names are Max and Alex. They are tall, with brown eyes and long hair. Now they are very busy, they sit at their desks and work. Their work is really very interesting. They are going to have dinner at the office. Tonight they are going to invite their friends to the cinema, and on Sunday they are going to visit their uncle outside the city.
germanlandyshev germanlandyshev  07.10.2020 03:44
1) Our secretary is very nice. Her name is Kate. She's tall with big grey eyes and long hair. Now she is very busy. She's looking through documents. Kate is hungry and she's going to have lunch in McDonnalld's. She's going to visit her friends and buy a computer on Saturday and work at home. 
2) Our programmers - very nice guys. They are brothers. Their name are Max and Alex. They are tall, with brown eyes and long hair. Now they are very busy, they sit at their desks and work. Their work - really interesting. They're going to eat lunch in the office. Tonight they are going to invite their friends to the movies, and on Sunday they were going to visit my uncle in the country.
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