Переведите предложения с языка на - ский. обратите особое внимание на использование past simple или past continuous. 1. что ты делал вчера вечером? - я пришел с работы, принял душ, поужинал и пошел спать. 2. вчера, когда я шел в кино, я встретил своего друга. 3. когда он переходил улицу, он упал и ушиб ногу. 4. когда он перешел улицу, я упал и ушиб ногу. 5. вчера я видела катю, но она не видела меня. 6. я читала книгу, когда зазвонил телефон. 7. вчера в 7 часов я смотрела телевизор. 8. вчера в 7 часов я пошла спать. 9. вчера был ужасный день. - почему? - весь вечер шел дождь. и я никуда не ходил. 10. я видела катю вчера, она ждала автобус на автобусной остановке.

ntazhibaevaa ntazhibaevaa    1   30.08.2019 13:40    0

Messi171 Messi171  06.10.2020 05:07
1. What were you doing last night? - I came home from work, took a shower, had supper and went to bed. 2. Yesterday, when I went to the cinema, I met my friend. 3. When he crossed the street, he fell and hurt his leg. 4. When he crossed the street, I fell down and hurt his leg. 5. Yesterday I saw Kate, but she didn't see me. 6. I was reading a book when the phone rang. 7. Yesterday at 7 PM I was watching TV. 8. Yesterday at 7 o'clock I went to bed. 9. Yesterday was a terrible day. Why? The whole evening was raining. And I didn't go anywhere. 10. I saw Kate yesterday, and she was waiting for a bus at the bus stop.
katyaSekret katyaSekret  06.10.2020 05:07
1. What did you do last night? "I came home from work, took a shower,Supper and went to sleep.2. Yesterday, when I was going to the cinema, I met my friend.3. When he crossed the street, he fell and bruised his foot.4. When he crossed the street, I fell and bruised my foot.5. Yesterday I saw Katya, but she did not see me.6. I read the book when the phone rang.7. Yesterday at 7 o'clock I watched TV.8. Yesterday at 7 o'clock I went to bed.9. Yesterday was a terrible day. - Why? "It rained all evening. And IDid not go anywhere.10. I saw Katya yesterday, she was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
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