Переведите предложения с прямой речи в непрямую he said , “ i watch tv.’’ she said , “ i am doing my homework now.” my sister said , “ i have read the text.” my friends said, “ we saw her here.” my brother said, “ i was watering the plants.” wendy said , “ i’ll be at home at 5 o’clock.”

Radon86 Radon86    2   08.09.2019 13:20    1

3333231231 3333231231  07.10.2020 00:56
Как пример : he said that he watch TV
Просто ставишь, например, “he said” и добавляешь «that”
Ещё припер: she said that she is doing her homework now ☺️
sasha322322 sasha322322  07.10.2020 00:56
He said he was watching TV.
She said she was doing her homework at the moment.
My sister said she had to read the text.
My friends said that they had seen her there.
My brother said he had been watering the plants.
Wendy said she would be home at 5 o'clock.
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