Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие 2 в функции левого и правого определения

1. For a given body, the temperature is proportional to the amount of energy that this body contains.

2. All elements consist of tiny particles called atoms.

3. The engineers invited to our firm are well-known specialists.

4. The lecture followed by an experiment was very interesting.

5. The equipment installed at the plant is rather efficient.

6. The first source of continuous current constructed by Volta appeared in 1800.

7. We work in the lab provided with the most modern equipment.

8. The experiment completed by this student is of importance for our research.

9. The pyrometer used in industry is a device measuring temperature.

10. The electric motor is a device employed for transforming electrical energy into mechanical.

Выберите правильную форму причастия и переведите предложения

1. … (Going/gone) home I met my old friend.

2. The scientists … (mentioning/mentioned) contributed greatly to the development of science.

3. All objects … (surrounding/surrounded) us in nature are composed of different substances.

4. The methods … (applying/applied) improved the quality of production.

5. … (Revolving/revolved) about its axis the earth also revolves around the sun.

6. The airplanes … (equipping/equipped) with jet engines fly at very high speeds.

7. When … (asking/asked), he didn’t know the answer.

Задание 114.Выберите правильный вариант перевода причастия. Предложения переведите

1. Going along the streets of a big city one can see many trams, trolley-buses, buses and cars.

a) идя

b) идущий

c) пройдя

2. The company producing these parts is famous all over the world.

a) произведённая

b) производящая

c) будучи производимой

3. Having discussed some important problems the managers started to take measures to solve them.

a) обсуждающие

b) обсуждая

c) обсудив

4. The appliance received required some improvement.

a) получив

b) полученные

c) когда прибор получили

5. Working at his new device the inventor made numerous experiments.

a) работая

b) работающий

c) проработав

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